Posted in Artificial Intelligence, Data Analysis, Data Science, Data Visualization, Machine learning, Numpy, Pandas, Predictive Analytics, Python


PA-ML-AI is nothing but a short name for the collection of 

  • Predictive Analytics – tells you when you need to send your car for maintenance based on its current health reports. 
  • Machine learning – the art of creating computer models which learn from their input & predict possible outcomes for a particular test case. 
  • Artificial intelligence – the domain of Computer science related to creating systems able to think rationally like human intelligence. 

We all know the above definitions & concepts, but what we don’t know is how powerful these three domains are & their strong relationship with each other. 

With the rise of Cloud Platforms which support running big data & machine learning algorithms for huge data sets, the time to train & tune algorithms has reduced massively. We at ZNClub-PA-ML-AI dedicate this Github organization to learn & implement modern techniques of Data Science.