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How do build an RSS feed? 

Really Simple Syndication as in RSS has been existing since the end of the 20th century. It is often called web feed since many users subscribe to their favorite website using RSS or Atom feeds. 
As a web administrator or blogger, all you need to know about RSS is that it just a summary of your website/blog. That’s why the name Rich Site Summary is also used for RSS. 
Our Cloud Computing project was based on RSS & it’s working. You might wonder how Cloud & RSS are related. But as it was in our not so updated syllabus (Courtesy : Mumbai University), we got alloted for RSS. Never mind- Every project has its own learning & experience. 

As you see the UI, we have developed a simple RSS reader for a website. Any guesses…? Oh. It’s my own WordPress blog


Full Stack Web developer and coding enthusiast

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