Posted in Artificial Intelligence, Data Analysis, Data Science, Data Visualization, Machine learning, Numpy, Pandas, Predictive Analytics, Python


PA-ML-AI is nothing but a short name for the collection of 

  • Predictive Analytics – tells you when you need to send your car for maintenance based on its current health reports. 
  • Machine learning – the art of creating computer models which learn from their input & predict possible outcomes for a particular test case. 
  • Artificial intelligence – the domain of Computer science related to creating systems able to think rationally like human intelligence. 

We all know the above definitions & concepts, but what we don’t know is how powerful these three domains are & their strong relationship with each other. 

With the rise of Cloud Platforms which support running big data & machine learning algorithms for huge data sets, the time to train & tune algorithms has reduced massively. We at ZNClub-PA-ML-AI dedicate this Github organization to learn & implement modern techniques of Data Science. 


Full Stack Web developer and coding enthusiast

2 thoughts on “PA-ML-AI

  1. Hello Nevil,
    I found your project about Sentiment-analysis-using-Business-News, I’m interested in it and would like to help if possible, but can’t find the satus of this project and how to build it, how it’s working.
    Could you please guide me?


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi GM,
      Lately I & my team are busy with the final development & deployment phase of the project.
      So we’ll update our status & release before this weekend.
      However if urgent, you can contact me on LinkedIn / Gmail. Links mentioned in my Social Connect page below


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